When moving houses, the transition can be a bit stressful especially if you have too much luggage. If your belongings can fit into two to three moving trucks, then it is safer to move them in piecemeal as opposed to risking it all. Taking this route will, however, require you to rent storage space to keep your stuff safe. Storage facilities play a critical role to people who want to move houses in stages. As such, finding the right storage facility can be the difference between hustle-free transition and an exercise to forget. This article highlights some of the essential features a storage facility should have before you can consider leasing it.
Environmental Control -- Depending on one's schedule, moving can take a while. For instance, work obligations might not allow you to set aside a couple of days for moving house. It will likely force you to find storage space in your new city. If you have belongings that might get affected by humidity, for instance, you would need a climate controlled storage space. The feature would ensure that your stuff does not get damaged by environmental elements. Air-Conditioned storage space will work if you are going to leave your belongings in the storage unit for a long time. Some storage units have thermostats that help to control a storage unit's internal environment automatically. In such a case, you do not have to worry about the facility manager forgetting to adjust the system accordingly.
Layered Protection -- When referring to safety in storage units, using padlocks alone does not enough. There is no sense in stacking your belongings in a storage unit where a latch is the only security feature. Most people hold the belief that they should settle for a highly secure storage facility only when handling something of high value. Nothing could be further from the truth. You do not need to own gold bars or bond certificates to get an affordable highly secure unit. The right storage facility should have layers of protection irrespective of the value of what you are storing. Robust fencing and CCTV cameras inside and outside each unit, identification verification, and security personnel at a storage facility are essential.
Accessibility -- While standard weekday access to a storage unit might be enough for some people; others would want unlimited access to their belongings. It is especially true for persons who only have the weekends to visit their leased units. Therefore, a storage facility should be accessible 24/7.